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Babat Urat Porsi IDR 50,000

Babat Urat Saja

Baso Babat Urat IDR 50,000

7 Pcs Baso + Babat Urat

1/2 Ekor Ayam Rebus IDR 48,500

Steam Chicken

Whopper Jr IDR 39,545

Bbq Bonanza IDR 25,000

Chicken Strips, Red Onions, mixed with BBQ Sauce & topped with Cheddar & Mozzarella Cheese

Bebek Panggang IDR 76,500

Roast Duck.
Untuk Cheese & Egg Sandwich, bisa memilih saus di antara 6 pilihan saus, yaitu: Liang’s Sauce (Jay Chou’s Choice), Cheese Sauce, Mayonnaise Sauce, Chili Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Black Pepper Sauce.

Lontong Cap Go Meh IDR 57,000

Rice Cake with Chicken, Egg, and Vegetables, Over a Spicy Light Vegetable Curry.
Shrimp and Mushroom Dumpling

Siew Mai Udang IDR 26,900

Shrimp Siew Mai