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Caramel Macchiato IDR 59,000

Sometimes a touch is just enough. And so it is with the slight dab of foam we set atop our signature espresso in this classic European-style beverage.

Americano IDR 32,000

HOT: Rich, full-bodied espresso with hot water.
Two fresh shots of espresso, hand shaken with classic syrup and ice, finished with low fat milk mixed with sweetened whipped cream.

Gurame Bakar Jimbaran IDR 115,000

Grilled gurame with red curry and belacan chili sauce
(10 pcs) Chicken and chicken skin satay in peanut fondue

Sate Kambing IDR 90,000

(10 pcs) Lamb satay

Paket A ( 10 Orang ) IDR 625,000

Bakmie Goreng Ulang Tahun, Sapi Lada Hitam, Ayam Goreng Ta Wan, Lumpia Seafood, Udang Goreng Kare, Cumi Goreng Saus Thai, Jamur Shitake Lapis Udang, Terong Lada Garam, Kepiting Lemburi Saus Ta Wan, Baronang Saus Tauco, Nasi Putih (10)
Fried Tofu & Chicken In Ta Wan Sauce

Tahu 5 Rasa IDR 46,000

Five Flavors Tofu

Lumpia Keju IDR 63,000

Cheese Egg Roll

Nasi Goreng Nanas IDR 34,500

Pineapple Fried Rice